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How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry

AWS Lambda is a powerful serverless computing service that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. However, monitoring Lambda functions can be challenging, especially when debugging issues in production. That’s where Sentry comes in an application monitoring and error-tracking tool that helps developers detect and resolve issues quickly.

Why Monitor AWS Lambda Functions?

Why Monitor AWS Lambda Functions

1. Detecting Errors Early

Lambda functions run in an ephemeral environment, meaning failures can be difficult to diagnose without proper logging. Monitoring ensures you catch errors early before they impact users.

2. Improving Performance

By tracking execution time, memory usage, and latency, you can optimize your Lambda functions to run more efficiently.

3. Gaining Insights

Monitoring tools like Sentry provide insights into error trends, deployment issues, and API failures, helping teams make data-driven improvements.

Setting Up Sentry for AWS Lambda

Step 1: Create a Sentry Account and Project

First, sign up for a free Sentry account if you don’t have one. Then, create a new project:

  1. Go to Projects > Create Project.
  2. Select Python as the platform.
  3. Copy your DSN (Data Source Name)—this will be used to configure your Lambda function.

Step 2: Install Sentry SDK in Your Lambda Function

AWS Lambda supports Python, so we need to install the Sentry SDK. If using a local development environment, run:

pip install --target . sentry-sdk boto3

If using AWS Lambda Layers, you can package the dependencies separately and upload them as a layer.

Step 3: Initialize Sentry in Your Python Code

In your Lambda function, import and configure Sentry using the DSN:

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.aws_lambda import AwsLambdaIntegration

# Initialize Sentry with AWS Lambda integration
traces_sample_rate=1.0 # Adjust this value depending on your expected traffic

def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Your main logic goes here
return {
"message": "Lambda executed successfully"
except Exception as e:
# Capture and send the exception to Sentry

Step 4: Deploy the Lambda Function

If you’re working locally, zip your project folder and upload it to AWS Lambda via the AWS Management Console or using AWS CLI:

# Create a ZIP file of the current directory contents
zip -r lambda_function.zip .

# Update the AWS Lambda function with the new code
aws lambda update-function-code \
--function-name your_lambda_function \
--zip-file fileb://lambda_function.zip

Alternatively, use AWS SAM or Terraform for infrastructure as code deployment.

Step 5: Test the Integration

Invoke your Lambda function from the AWS Console or via CLI:

aws lambda invoke --function-name your_lambda_function response.json

Trigger an error intentionally to verify Sentry captures it:

def lambda_handler(event, context): raise ValueError("This is a test error")

Check the Sentry dashboard for logs and error details.

Advanced Monitoring with Sentry

Capturing Breadcrumbs for Better Debugging

Breadcrumbs provide a history of events leading to an error. Enable them using:

# Add a custom breadcrumb to help trace what happened before an error
message="This is a debug message",

Custom Logging with Sentry

You can send additional logs to Sentry:

sentry_sdk.capture_message(“Something happened in Lambda!”, level=”warning”)

Monitoring Performance with Tracing

Enable performance monitoring to track execution time:

# Initialize Sentry with AWS Lambda integration and performance sampling
traces_sample_rate=0.5 # Sample 50% of requests for performance monitoring

This helps identify slow Lambda executions and optimize performance.

Debugging Lambda Issues with Sentry

Sentry helps you track and fix issues in AWS Lambda functions by giving you real-time error reporting and performance data.

1. Identify Errors Quickly

Sentry automatically groups similar errors together. This helps you avoid getting overwhelmed by lots of separate alerts for the same problem.


If your Lambda function throws the same TypeError in multiple invocations, Sentry will show it as one grouped issue. This lets you focus on fixing the root cause instead of sorting through dozens of logs.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
value = event.get("value")
# This will cause a TypeError if value is None
return value.lower()

If several events are missing "value", Sentry will group all those errors under one issue.

2. Use Stack Traces for Detailed Debugging

Every error reported to Sentry includes a stack trace. This shows you the exact line where the error occurred, the function call sequence, and any variables involved.

Example Stack Trace Output in Sentry:

TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
File "lambda_function.py", line 3, in lambda_handler
return value.lower()

You can also see the event data that triggered the error. This helps you reproduce the issue during testing.

3. Set Up Alerts for Critical Issues

You can configure alerts in Sentry to send messages when new errors happen or when issues spike in volume.


  • Send email alerts for all new errors

  • Send Slack alerts when a specific Lambda function fails more than 5 times in 5 minutes

How to set it up:

Go to Project Settings > Alerts, then choose your conditions and channels (email, Slack, or others).

Benefits of Using Sentry with AWS Lambda

Benefits of Using Sentry with AWS Lambda

When you integrate Sentry into your Lambda functions, you get better visibility into what your code is doing and when it fails. This helps you catch and fix issues faster.

1. Real-Time Error Detection

Sentry captures exceptions as soon as they happen. This means you don’t have to wait for logs to process or go digging through CloudWatch.

What you get:

  • Immediate error reports

  • Details about what failed and why

  • Grouped issues so repeated errors don’t clutter your dashboard

Code Example:

import sentry_sdk


def lambda_handler(event, context):
# This will be sent to Sentry in real-time
raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong")

After the function runs, Sentry will show the error on your dashboard within seconds.

2. Performance Monitoring

Sentry can track how long parts of your Lambda function take to run. This helps you spot slow code and performance bottlenecks.

What you get:

  • Execution time per function

  • Latency of HTTP requests (if your Lambda is handling API calls)

  • Breakdown of time spent in each part of the code

Code Example:

from sentry_sdk import start_transaction

def lambda_handler(event, context):
with start_transaction(op="task", name="lambda_handler"):

def do_work():
# Simulate a slow task
import time

Sentry will report the total time taken by do_work() so you can monitor performance over time.

3. Enhanced Debugging

Sentry gives you more than just the error message. It provides:

  • Full stack traces

  • Breadcrumbs (a timeline of what happened before the error)

  • Event context (input, environment, and user data)

This lets you find the exact source of the problem quickly.

Code Example:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
user_id = event.get("user_id")
except Exception as e:

def risky_function(user_id):
# This line will show in the stack trace
raise ValueError(f"Invalid user_id: {user_id}")

When this error is captured, Sentry will show:

  • The exact line where the error happened

  • The value of user_id at that time

  • What happened just before the error

By using Sentry with AWS Lambda, you get:

  • Real-time error detection: Errors show up fast so you can act quickly

  • Performance monitoring: Track execution time and spot slow parts of your code

  • Enhanced debugging: See stack traces, breadcrumbs, and event context

How to Integrate Sentry with AWS Lambda (Python Example)

Install the SDK:

pip install --target ./package sentry-sdk

Initialize Sentry in your Lambda code:

import sentry_sdk


def lambda_handler(event, context):
with sentry_sdk.start_transaction(op="task", name="lambda_handler"):
# Your logic here
raise ValueError("This is a test error")

Deploy your function with the Sentry SDK included.

Use Sentry to monitor AWS Lambda for:

  • Grouped and clear error tracking

  • Helpful stack traces

  • Custom alerts for fast response

This improves the speed and quality of your debugging.

Best Practices for Monitoring AWS Lambda with Sentry

1. Set an Appropriate Sampling Rate

For high-traffic applications, avoid logging every request. Use traces_sample_rate=0.1 to log only 10% of requests.

2. Use Environment Tags for Better Organization

Tag logs with environment details to differentiate between staging and production:

sentry_sdk.set_tag(“environment”, “production”)

3. Capture Custom Context Data

Add request-specific details for better debugging:

sentry_sdk.set_context(“request”, {“user_id”: “12345”, “route”: “/api/test”})

4. Monitor Memory and Execution Time

Use AWS CloudWatch along with Sentry to track function duration and memory usage.

5. Handle Sensitive Data Carefully

Avoid sending sensitive data to Sentry. Mask personal information before logging.

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